

My obsession with skulls lately may be getting a little out of hand. But it's fine. Today's post is just going to be a quick one, because I need to go take a test like, right now.
I got myself this REALLY cute skull top from Windsor Store. They have amazing items at great prices, and my order seriously got to me in 3 days. Amazing. I decided to make my outfit a little edgy, so I added a plaid top and some thrifted combat boots, and now I'm ready to go take my test in style.

P.S.-- Don't forget to enter the bow giveaway from my previous post! If you already like me on Facebook, all you have to do is 'share' my photo!

Skull Top: Windsor Store
Plaid Top: Target (Old)
Pants: Kohl's
Boots: Thrifted
Knuckle Rings: Style Lately

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