Photo by Kailey Rae
2014, man. Can't believe it's almost over. And thank God that it is. This year has probably been the toughest year I've ever had. Things have happened that even the over-sharer in me wouldn't want to share here. I was absolutely at my lowest low, and I hope it's a place I never have to see again.
This year, I've never been more grateful to have such a loving, supportive, incredible man by my side. In even the toughest of times, he proves to me that marrying him was the best decision I've ever made. He is my rock, and if this year didn't prove that, I don't know what would.
2015, you guys. 2015 will be my year. I'm finally finishing up with school (after taking a couple semesters off to loathe/start a new job), taking a few trips (planning in the works!), and having adventures with my husband and friends. If you saw my Insta-g post on Sunday night, you would have probably seen a little snippet of another resolution I have... and that is to just love myself. Accept myself. Quit trying so hard to make people like me. In this crazy blogging world, it's pretty daunting. At times, you just lose sight of yourself. You can get so caught up in the materialistic, popularity-contest, who-is-prettier, who-is-skinnier, who-has-more-followers-world (I mean, come on. It really is like that.) that it is. I compare my life to others' and then hate myself for not having the things they have. It's not a pretty habit to have. Or healthy, juss sayin'. But it's true. It happens much too often, but that stops now. Because I wouldn't trade my life for anything. Too blessed to be stressed. That's my official motto for 2015. Bring. It. On.
Sorry 2014 was so tough for you. I'm poking forward to reading your blog in the new year
happy new year
sorry to hear 2014 wasn't your year. Wishing you the best in 2015.
ReplyDeleteI hope 2015 is your best year yet! I'm sorry 2014 wasn't the best, but isn't it great to have a new, fresh year to look forward to?
I'm sorry you went through a lot! 2015 will be a better year! Best wishes dear!
ReplyDeleteEdwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com