I want what you have.
It's as simple as that one honest, brutal, unfair statement. I'm upset. Not at anyone. Not at myself, not at God, not at my doctor (who is basically God), not at my husband, not at the teenage girls getting pregnant all over the world. I'm just sad and upset that it's not happening for us. To all you mamas out there, just letting you know that I'm low-key jealous of you. That's not to say that I'm not beyond happy for you and think you're an amazing mom, but I'm jealous. It's hard when you've been wanting something so much for years, and it's still not happening. I want that pregnancy. I want those bonding moments. I want that baby. Okay, not yours particularly, but you know what I mean. ;)
It's hard for me to feel like there's not a huge part of me missing, because there is. Some days I feel the void more than others, but this whole month has felt.. just weird. It should be me. Why isn't it me? But during these times I just have to remember to trust the universe. Trust in the process. These times are so tough, but come Mother's Day next year, I will be celebrated. As a mother. I just have to keep telling myself that, right? ;)
Happy Mother's Day to all you gorgeous, amazing mothers out there. You're the real MVPs.
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